วันอังคารที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Buy Bosch MC01 Bosch MC01 1/8-Inch by 2-Inch by 3-Inch Multi-Construction Drill Bit Today

Bosch MC01 1/8-Inch by 2-Inch by 3-Inch Multi-Construction Drill Bit Review

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Bosch MC01 1/8-Inch by 2-Inch by 3-Inch Multi-Construction Drill Bit Feature

  • Innovative tungsten carbide plate - Suitable for multi-purpose applications.
  • Sharp, Multiple Diamond ground cutting edges - for a high drilling rate, even in hard materials such as tiles and concretes.
  • Sturdy Drilling head - For a long serviced life in drilling and impact drilling applications.
  • New Steep Spiral - Optimized drilling dust clearance in multiple materials.
  • New Customized carbide geometry optimized to handle a wide range of materials.

Bosch MC01 1/8-Inch by 2-Inch by 3-Inch Multi-Construction Drill Bit Overview

The Bosch MC01 1/8-inch Multi-Construction Drill Bit drills practically everything from tile, masonry, wood, metal and concrete. This bit is extremely useful to installers who drill through multiple materials.

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